Friday, October 8, 2021

The First Vision Of My Journey



"My impression from this vision was that my friend had accepted Jesus as his saviour and was loving and honest, two characters of Jesus and the Word had no laws against that. However, I reacted inside with the feelings that it was OK for him, but, I was too afraid to see if it applied to me, thinking I would be under a deception. So I was too afraid to accept what God was saying to me through this vision." Here is the first vision I received from God.


The First Vision In My Journey 1997


I knew a man in London, Ontario in the early 1990's who said he was a Christian. He led a loving life style as he volunteered a lot time to help those who were sick. He also was Gay and was in a monogamous relationship with another man. That's what I called a “ non-repentent homosexual” and thought he would never go to Heaven as long as he was in a same gender relationship. He said he was just being honest and would never try to be in a relationship with a woman because he was gay. He also knew Jesus as his saviour. My question in those days was, “How could he be accepted into Heaven.”

I don't remember exactly when the vision came whether in a dream or when I was praying, but I sure remember what happened in it. It was “ Take your child to Work Day” and my Heavenly Father was taking me to his place of work. And yes, it was the judgement throne! He sat me on the throne which was behind a table. The Holy Spirit was to my right a little behind me, Jesus was there with the Father to the side, in front of me. The Bible was on the table laying open with all the pages visible and I saw it from cover to cover in an instant. Then my friend who I called the non-repentent homosexual came to the table. The Holy Spirit said, “ Say to your Father, Oh Holy Judge of all, this your Holy Word has not one dot or tittle that condemns this man.” So I said to my Father, “ Oh Holy Judge of all, this your Holy Word has not one dot or tittle that condemns this man.” Then my Father said to me, “ Stamp his papers.” I stamped his papers, “ACCEPTED”. Then my Father said to my friend, “ Enter into my rest!”

The impression from this vision was that my friend had accepted Jesus as his saviour and was loving and honest, two characters of Jesus and that the Word had no laws against that.

 However, I reacted inside with the feelings that it was OK for him but I was too afraid to see if it applied to me thinking I would be under a deception. So I was too afraid to accept what God was saying to me through this vision. So it appears to me now that God had a plan to get through to me.


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