Friday, October 8, 2021

My Story As A Gay Christian: Coming Out Spiritually.

I believe I was "saved" as a child, but, it was in 1975 that I experienced the presence of God and that changed my life! The church however derailed that experience and sent me on a huge detour. After many years wandering in life,God revisited me. After nine months of prayer God gave me a vision that answered all the issues and set me free! 

Come with me as I share through blogging and videos what I learned on my fantastic journey!

Life Begins at 21!

I had a real experience with God in 1975 that changed my life and that has stayed with me till this day. Yes, as a child, I prayed the Sinner's Prayer and received Christ as my Saviour, but I didn't really experience what that meant till the mid 70's when I rededicated my life, was filled with God's Spirit and experienced God's presence and knew He was real. I still communicate with our saviour Jesus Christ every day and He guides me through life's challenges.

I believe I belong to Christ, I am a child of God. It just so happens that I was born in a body that is Gay when it comes to falling in love and my sexual orientation. God has provision for people like me, it's just different than what I would have chosen back then. It's not something I figured out or decided upon, it's the revelation of God's Holy Spirit to show me how God looks this issue.

It was a long journey. In 1997 I prayed every day for nine months, and at the end that's when I had a vision to answer all the issues I thought I had the answers to, but, God's answers were the opposite of what I thought should be. It turned my whole belief system 180 degrees. It changed how I looked at the Bible, how I interpret it and how I use it.


For the Video of the introduction to the blog, click here! 

In The Beginning Was The Word!

I believe that the Word of God, the bible, should be treated with utmost respect. We need God's Spirit to reveal to us what God is saying through it. If we try to interpret with our own understanding we could get the meaning wrong and hurt a lot of people, even misdirect them in their lives, especially if we harbour any prejudice. The Bible says in James 1: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." 

Everything must be seen through the eyes of love as God does. The Bible was not meant to persecute people just because they are different than the majority. I believe the Bible was meant to show it's readers their own faults and so encourage them to have a heart change to that of God's loving heart. If you don't understand someone's ways, then get to know them better and you will see they are not a threat and also that you have more in common than you realized!

God is about love, peace and unity between all members of creation. Everyone is deserving of honour, respect and dignity, no matter their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. You must view God's Word, the Bible with heart, soul and spirit if you want to know what it is saying and how to apply it.


Lie #1: “We weren't Born that way.”

Click here for the short video introduction!

Let's start with lie number one, that we chose to be this way after birth. That came to me in the early eighties. In the first place I chose to be straight in my youth. I was born in the 1950's when the stories, movies, everything was about the different sexes being male and female and the two should be together. The stories usually were about the man fighting for the woman and the two would fall in love and get married to start a family. It was all I knew and I really believed I was straight. I had a girl friend in kindergarten who I was going to marry and live happily ever after! I was totally brain washed by the society I was in to be straight and want a woman to marry, but I was formed by nature in my mother's womb to be gay and that is what my body developed to be when I reached puberty. I believe God, who put nature into motion in the first place takes full responsibility for it. To be created in the nature of God is to be loving, kind, forgiving and creative in positive ways that help others. That is what is meant and that is what I am. 


Lie # 2, “Reprogramming is the cure.”

Click here for the short video intro!

As I said, I was born and grew up in the 1950's when the stories, movies, everything was about the different sexes being male and female and the two should be together and live happily ever after! Every Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmother's was celebrated with aunts, uncles and their kids, so it was in deed a very heterosexual world to me. It was all I knew and thought that was what life was all about. 



   I was totally brain washed by society to be straight and want a woman to marry and have children.        I chose to be straight and I even had a girl friend in kindergarten who I was going to marry when            I grew up.

The problem was this: when I reached puberty I developed same sex attraction and I found out later that meant for me that I could only fall in love with another man. I'm not talking about lust. My body chemistry dictates that I can only be fulfilled by sharing my life and making a home with another man. So if I was totally formed in my mind by society when I was a child to be straight and that did not make me develop opposite sex attraction when I became a young man, then how could you ever reprogram a grown man to be straight? I can't see how that could ever happen.*

Even God is reasonable in these matters. Use your head and use your heart!

 * Please take note that I didn't know that Exodus had stopped their reprogramming till later. I didn't figure this out. I saw it in the vision I received.


Lie #3, “ God does not bless same- sex marriages.”

Genesis 2:18 says, The Lord God said, “It is not good for the
man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” In James 1:5 we find it says, “ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” When it comes to anything we wish to know, it must be seen through eyes of love, then you will gain understanding. God is love and we have been created out of that. To understand the Word we must ask the Holy Spirit for revelation, and the wisdom and love to apply it. We must know the heart of God on such matters if we are to even open our mouths! If two men or two women, who love God and are loving in the community, who happen to be Gay, fall in love with each other and approach their Heavenly Father for His blessing on their home and family, don't you think He would give it? God knows everything about each of us and if our hearts are sincere! 

We read in Genesis that God walked with Adam in the garden and had conversation with him. God was interested in Adam's well being and wanted him to be happy. So God made a mate for Adam that was specifically suited for him, so the two would bond for life and have wonderful fellowship with each other and God. Today it is the same through Jesus Christ for each of us, to have that closeness with God who helps us to live the best we can and that includes having a mate that is right for us, so our lives are peaceful and we are encouraged to love and help those around us. God is aware that there are those born gay and makes provision for them the same as everyone else. Of course God gives a mate of opposite sex so the two can fall in love and bond for life.

For the short video, click here!


Please scroll down for the rest of my life story and the visions I received!


  1. Comments are welcome! And I may just post more little vids on the blog! Stay tuned!

  2. Marriage is all about two people bonding for life. God made a mate for Adam suitable so they would want to stay together and bond for life. Out of Eve came a diverse people and some of them could only bond intimately with a same sex partner, not the opposite sex. God, with great mercy, love and wisdom, wanting all creation to be happy and have a good life experience, grants the same blessings on those involved in a same sex marriage.


My Story As A Gay Christian: Coming Out Spiritually.

I believe I was "saved" as a child, but, it was in 1975 that I experienced the presence of God and that changed my life!  The chur...