Friday, October 8, 2021

Introduction To My Journey: God's revelation and how it changed my look at things.

I believe that God inspired the Bible, but in having a deep respect for God and His Word I am taking great care now how I read it. I believe God gave me visions of how He looks at the Gay Community, but before He did, I had a much different view of the Word and that Community. I believed that all acts of homosexuality were wrong and that the Bible made that clear. I believed that God's plan was with Adam and Eve, male and female and that we all should fit that plan. Then one day God came into my apartment and in a twinkling of eye changed my whole belief system, how I looked at God's Word and how I looked at the Gay Community.

It's not what I would have chosen. I believed that God should change all people of different sexual orientation to be as the majority which is heterosexual. But, our ideal of perfection and God's is much different. God will not stoop to our level and appease our need to go by how things appear. I believe now that God wants all of us to accept each other even when we are so different. I am not talking about those who were abusive or those who were abused. There are many who are born with different sexual orientation and different gender identities than their body appears. God has no problem with that. Afterall, nature is the cause and God knew this would happen and He takes full responsibility. What He sees is the spirit inside that body whether it's loving and accepting to Him or if it's selfish and unloving towards others. That is what needs fixing and the rest is just the body we live in.  
 (pic from Pinterest)

The original plan was to create beings like God to have fellowship. In order to have that we must have unity. So we must accept each other as God does, be willing to listen and learn, follow what the Holy Spirit is saying and not go by appearances. The twentieth century was all about appearances and preserving the life style and culture of the white majority in North America. Unfortunately many people held to the beliefs of society and used scriptures to support them, even if it meant interpreting the scriptures in a way that was not intended.

Now I know God's mind and heart concerning these things, the mind and heart of Christ, the mind and heart of a King!

After all, God never said: “ In order to be fair to all you must be fair to none.” God is fair to all!

God walks with each of us and helps each life with it's own uniqueness!


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