Friday, October 8, 2021

My Story As A Gay Christian: Coming Out Spiritually.

I believe I was "saved" as a child, but, it was in 1975 that I experienced the presence of God and that changed my life! The church however derailed that experience and sent me on a huge detour. After many years wandering in life,God revisited me. After nine months of prayer God gave me a vision that answered all the issues and set me free! 

Come with me as I share through blogging and videos what I learned on my fantastic journey!

Life Begins at 21!

I had a real experience with God in 1975 that changed my life and that has stayed with me till this day. Yes, as a child, I prayed the Sinner's Prayer and received Christ as my Saviour, but I didn't really experience what that meant till the mid 70's when I rededicated my life, was filled with God's Spirit and experienced God's presence and knew He was real. I still communicate with our saviour Jesus Christ every day and He guides me through life's challenges.

I believe I belong to Christ, I am a child of God. It just so happens that I was born in a body that is Gay when it comes to falling in love and my sexual orientation. God has provision for people like me, it's just different than what I would have chosen back then. It's not something I figured out or decided upon, it's the revelation of God's Holy Spirit to show me how God looks this issue.

It was a long journey. In 1997 I prayed every day for nine months, and at the end that's when I had a vision to answer all the issues I thought I had the answers to, but, God's answers were the opposite of what I thought should be. It turned my whole belief system 180 degrees. It changed how I looked at the Bible, how I interpret it and how I use it.


For the Video of the introduction to the blog, click here! 

In The Beginning Was The Word!

I believe that the Word of God, the bible, should be treated with utmost respect. We need God's Spirit to reveal to us what God is saying through it. If we try to interpret with our own understanding we could get the meaning wrong and hurt a lot of people, even misdirect them in their lives, especially if we harbour any prejudice. The Bible says in James 1: "If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." 

Everything must be seen through the eyes of love as God does. The Bible was not meant to persecute people just because they are different than the majority. I believe the Bible was meant to show it's readers their own faults and so encourage them to have a heart change to that of God's loving heart. If you don't understand someone's ways, then get to know them better and you will see they are not a threat and also that you have more in common than you realized!

God is about love, peace and unity between all members of creation. Everyone is deserving of honour, respect and dignity, no matter their race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. You must view God's Word, the Bible with heart, soul and spirit if you want to know what it is saying and how to apply it.


Lie #1: “We weren't Born that way.”

Click here for the short video introduction!

Let's start with lie number one, that we chose to be this way after birth. That came to me in the early eighties. In the first place I chose to be straight in my youth. I was born in the 1950's when the stories, movies, everything was about the different sexes being male and female and the two should be together. The stories usually were about the man fighting for the woman and the two would fall in love and get married to start a family. It was all I knew and I really believed I was straight. I had a girl friend in kindergarten who I was going to marry and live happily ever after! I was totally brain washed by the society I was in to be straight and want a woman to marry, but I was formed by nature in my mother's womb to be gay and that is what my body developed to be when I reached puberty. I believe God, who put nature into motion in the first place takes full responsibility for it. To be created in the nature of God is to be loving, kind, forgiving and creative in positive ways that help others. That is what is meant and that is what I am. 


Lie # 2, “Reprogramming is the cure.”

Click here for the short video intro!

As I said, I was born and grew up in the 1950's when the stories, movies, everything was about the different sexes being male and female and the two should be together and live happily ever after! Every Christmas and Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandmother's was celebrated with aunts, uncles and their kids, so it was in deed a very heterosexual world to me. It was all I knew and thought that was what life was all about. 



   I was totally brain washed by society to be straight and want a woman to marry and have children.        I chose to be straight and I even had a girl friend in kindergarten who I was going to marry when            I grew up.

The problem was this: when I reached puberty I developed same sex attraction and I found out later that meant for me that I could only fall in love with another man. I'm not talking about lust. My body chemistry dictates that I can only be fulfilled by sharing my life and making a home with another man. So if I was totally formed in my mind by society when I was a child to be straight and that did not make me develop opposite sex attraction when I became a young man, then how could you ever reprogram a grown man to be straight? I can't see how that could ever happen.*

Even God is reasonable in these matters. Use your head and use your heart!

 * Please take note that I didn't know that Exodus had stopped their reprogramming till later. I didn't figure this out. I saw it in the vision I received.


Lie #3, “ God does not bless same- sex marriages.”

Genesis 2:18 says, The Lord God said, “It is not good for the
man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” In James 1:5 we find it says, “ If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” When it comes to anything we wish to know, it must be seen through eyes of love, then you will gain understanding. God is love and we have been created out of that. To understand the Word we must ask the Holy Spirit for revelation, and the wisdom and love to apply it. We must know the heart of God on such matters if we are to even open our mouths! If two men or two women, who love God and are loving in the community, who happen to be Gay, fall in love with each other and approach their Heavenly Father for His blessing on their home and family, don't you think He would give it? God knows everything about each of us and if our hearts are sincere! 

We read in Genesis that God walked with Adam in the garden and had conversation with him. God was interested in Adam's well being and wanted him to be happy. So God made a mate for Adam that was specifically suited for him, so the two would bond for life and have wonderful fellowship with each other and God. Today it is the same through Jesus Christ for each of us, to have that closeness with God who helps us to live the best we can and that includes having a mate that is right for us, so our lives are peaceful and we are encouraged to love and help those around us. God is aware that there are those born gay and makes provision for them the same as everyone else. Of course God gives a mate of opposite sex so the two can fall in love and bond for life.

For the short video, click here!


Please scroll down for the rest of my life story and the visions I received!

In The Beginning: Time travel through my life!



I was born in Stratford Ontario in 1954. The society I grew up in was hostile towards homosexuality.



The only thing I heard about it was negative, the brunt of a
joke or something insinuating it was perverted, sick or evil. When I reached puberty I felt attraction to men and I was devastated. I was horrified that someone would find out and spent most of my adult life trying to hide it.

I was raised in the United Church which taught me well who Jesus is and I believed in Him. But it was when I visited the Pentecostal Church with my cousins that I asked Jesus into my heart and got saved as a young boy. In my late teens I stopped going to church and did not feel that God was real. When I was 20, while walking in downtown Stratford, another young man came across the street to give me a tract. He said he was part of the “Children of God”, a group of people "who are... um... " He could not finish his sentence and the words came out of my mouth- “ living for God!” He said, "um- sort of- we're trying." I wondered where those words came from. I never thought of living for God, I just lived for myself. 


I went to Europe on a trip I had planned earlier that year and did spend a little time with the cult there but would not join. When I returned home I got talking with my cousin and went to the Pentecostal Church and everything I heard of the bible I understood right away! I was already saved and I prayed for the Holy Spirit and started speaking in tongues. Over time I realized I felt the presence of God and that has never left me. It was a wonderful time of joy and hearing God's voice and direction and feeling His love in my heart! But then the church had to preach about homosexuality. This terrified me more. I was prayed for inner healing which did not change my orientation. So my life was broken and most of my time spent in fear of judgement. I would not listen to God on such a fearful subject so He devised a plan to show me in a way that I would listen and could not be talked out of.




Introduction To My Journey: God's revelation and how it changed my look at things.

I believe that God inspired the Bible, but in having a deep respect for God and His Word I am taking great care now how I read it. I believe God gave me visions of how He looks at the Gay Community, but before He did, I had a much different view of the Word and that Community. I believed that all acts of homosexuality were wrong and that the Bible made that clear. I believed that God's plan was with Adam and Eve, male and female and that we all should fit that plan. Then one day God came into my apartment and in a twinkling of eye changed my whole belief system, how I looked at God's Word and how I looked at the Gay Community.

It's not what I would have chosen. I believed that God should change all people of different sexual orientation to be as the majority which is heterosexual. But, our ideal of perfection and God's is much different. God will not stoop to our level and appease our need to go by how things appear. I believe now that God wants all of us to accept each other even when we are so different. I am not talking about those who were abusive or those who were abused. There are many who are born with different sexual orientation and different gender identities than their body appears. God has no problem with that. Afterall, nature is the cause and God knew this would happen and He takes full responsibility. What He sees is the spirit inside that body whether it's loving and accepting to Him or if it's selfish and unloving towards others. That is what needs fixing and the rest is just the body we live in.  
 (pic from Pinterest)

The original plan was to create beings like God to have fellowship. In order to have that we must have unity. So we must accept each other as God does, be willing to listen and learn, follow what the Holy Spirit is saying and not go by appearances. The twentieth century was all about appearances and preserving the life style and culture of the white majority in North America. Unfortunately many people held to the beliefs of society and used scriptures to support them, even if it meant interpreting the scriptures in a way that was not intended.

Now I know God's mind and heart concerning these things, the mind and heart of Christ, the mind and heart of a King!

After all, God never said: “ In order to be fair to all you must be fair to none.” God is fair to all!

God walks with each of us and helps each life with it's own uniqueness!


The First Vision Of My Journey



"My impression from this vision was that my friend had accepted Jesus as his saviour and was loving and honest, two characters of Jesus and the Word had no laws against that. However, I reacted inside with the feelings that it was OK for him, but, I was too afraid to see if it applied to me, thinking I would be under a deception. So I was too afraid to accept what God was saying to me through this vision." Here is the first vision I received from God.


The First Vision In My Journey 1997


I knew a man in London, Ontario in the early 1990's who said he was a Christian. He led a loving life style as he volunteered a lot time to help those who were sick. He also was Gay and was in a monogamous relationship with another man. That's what I called a “ non-repentent homosexual” and thought he would never go to Heaven as long as he was in a same gender relationship. He said he was just being honest and would never try to be in a relationship with a woman because he was gay. He also knew Jesus as his saviour. My question in those days was, “How could he be accepted into Heaven.”

I don't remember exactly when the vision came whether in a dream or when I was praying, but I sure remember what happened in it. It was “ Take your child to Work Day” and my Heavenly Father was taking me to his place of work. And yes, it was the judgement throne! He sat me on the throne which was behind a table. The Holy Spirit was to my right a little behind me, Jesus was there with the Father to the side, in front of me. The Bible was on the table laying open with all the pages visible and I saw it from cover to cover in an instant. Then my friend who I called the non-repentent homosexual came to the table. The Holy Spirit said, “ Say to your Father, Oh Holy Judge of all, this your Holy Word has not one dot or tittle that condemns this man.” So I said to my Father, “ Oh Holy Judge of all, this your Holy Word has not one dot or tittle that condemns this man.” Then my Father said to me, “ Stamp his papers.” I stamped his papers, “ACCEPTED”. Then my Father said to my friend, “ Enter into my rest!”

The impression from this vision was that my friend had accepted Jesus as his saviour and was loving and honest, two characters of Jesus and that the Word had no laws against that.

 However, I reacted inside with the feelings that it was OK for him but I was too afraid to see if it applied to me thinking I would be under a deception. So I was too afraid to accept what God was saying to me through this vision. So it appears to me now that God had a plan to get through to me.


God's Vision: A Breakthrough After Nine Months Of Prayer!


Early in the year I had lost the desire to have children which up to that point had been very important to me. That desire was blocking me from hearing God's voice on the subject until I gave it up. It was like waking up one day to reality and saying: “Hey, I'm 43 and I don't want to raise children at my age. I will want to retire when they want to go to college!” Also I woke up to the fact that I've been struggling with my sexual orientation for twenty years. It's about time I dealt with it! However, I never felt the motivation to run off to “Exodus” to get reprogrammed even though in my mind, that is what I thought I should do. I still thought I should change, but, I found myself through the Holy Spirit crying out to God,

 “ I want to know the truth!” I did this almost every day for nine months praying to God for the answer. 


 I found myself being led by the Holy Spirit to take steps that would later break down my hardness so I would be open to hear from God on the matter of sexuality. Up to this point I had been very closed minded and would not listen to or even consider any other point of view. I did not know what they were leading to, but each step just came naturally. In the summer I said to my body: “You tell me what you feel ( when I look at a man ) and I will not judge you for being right or wrong, no condemnation, no cart wheels, no torture. You just tell me what you feel.” The idea was to stop reacting to my feelings so that the healing process could begin. That took away a lot of stress and helped me to face what I could not face for over twenty years. O.K.- I have those feelings- so maybe I can take them to God and see what He wants to do. It brought it to a simple level. I put on the shelf all my ideas, teachings I've had in the past and opened my mind to hear what God had to say. I realized that I had been telling God all the time what His word says instead of asking Him what it says. I coud not face my sexuality or talk to God at all about it because I believed that the Bible condemned me and I had to change. (However, I could not.) So when I prayed about these things I thought there was no discussion, no answer. I would close my Bible and leave the room and never listen to what God had to say about my sexuality. ( I would listen to God about everything else, but not that.) My new approach was to listen to God and believe there was a solution.

I did go to M.C.C.T. In late August, but there was no brain washing. The sermons were basic teachings of love and it was only mentioned a couple of times about homosexuality and Christianity being compatible as it fit in with the teaching. Throughout the year I could not get motivated to read books that are pro-gay and ones on the scriptures about homosexuality. I know now that was because God wanted me to hear directly from Him why I am gay and what He thinks about it. That way I know what I believe is not because someone else told me, but because God showed me by His Spirit! (My own convictions not someone else's.) Over the years I had met many people who said things that could have led me to the truth, but I would not listen at all. I was afraid of deception blinding me and thought I knew the truth about everything. When I lived in London, one friend who was in a monogamous relationship with another man, told me many things and I can't remember a word, but his lifestyle of love as a christian and a gay man has remained always with me. At least I could see it was OK for him, but not for me. I called him in those days a non-repentant homosexual. God asked me over and over if I would be willing to work with him in Heaven. The impression was not to work with him to make him straight- no- the impression was this- Would you accept him into Heaven and work with him side by side there? I said yes and God said- “That's just it- I do!” He wanted me to know that He accepts this man fully as he is! God did give me a vision about this but at that time I would not listen to what God was saying to me through it.

Then in August 1997, one day God said to me,”Do you remember that vision I gave you? Now apply it to yourself.” When I heard that I thought- Is God going to make me gay??        I couldn't get that God was saying to me- “Accept yourself as you are. I do and yes, you are accepted in my kingdom!” I didn't believe it yet. 

 In October I got together with a gay christian man whom I had met at M.C.C.T. We talked about our faith and about being gay. I was so impressed that he believed in Jesus the way I did and his reaction to Him was the same as mine. I really felt our meeting was spiritual. I could see how closely he believed as I did so I listened to what he had to say. He shared how he had his time of prayer and fasting to find out what he should do about his being gay. He felt afterwards that it is accepted by God to be gay and has accepted that himself. He told me that spirituality and sexuality should go together.

There was no revelation that day. I didn't feel anything about what he had said. Then the next day...

I felt a presence in my room and heard a question clearly in my head, “Why do your christian friends have no problem accepting that they are gay, but you've been through twenty years of torture over it? I heard it again making breakfast, then after I had breakfast I heard it again. I finally stopped what I was doing and said- OK Lord, why do my friends have no problem accepting their being gay, but I've had twenty years of torture over it? It only took a split second to see the vision from God in my mind and all the knowledge was there right away! God spoke to me in words, images and strong impressions. It was like a program downloaded into my brain that I could play over and over and it addressed key issues.

 Twenty years I struggled to see it and it took part of a second to solve that thing that had me bound all my life! I saw myself as a little boy growing up in the late fifties and what a heterosexual world it was- from the earliest nursery rhymes, the children's stories, all the princes and princesses, from television to advertising and the theme you always heard everywhere was boy meets girl and has a family. I was programmed by society to be heterosexual in my head. I was told I should naturally desire girls and want to have a family. However, when I reached puberty, my body naturally developed to be what it was born- and I developed to be same sex orientated. That's when all the trouble started. From that point on my mind and my body were fighting each other! The only references to homosexuality in this society were negative. The pier pressure, television, movies and advertising reinforced what I had already been programmed. This had traumatized me by this time and left me vulnerable for the next fall.

I had accepted Christ as my saviour when I was eight or nine years old, but it took me till twenty-one years old to really commit my life to Him. Here I was, a gay man who experienced God's presence, had His love in his heart and was really in love with God, but was being told I was an abomination to Him! That brought years of condemnation, guilt, confusion and fear. It was total devastation and isolation from God and everyone else. The only thing that kept my sanity was the fact that I had peace in my own prayer time at home. (I should have caught on!!) I believed that the church was right, and that I had forgiveness as long as I was willing to change. That made me run around in circles for twenty years! It's not the solution- always trying to be straight and “repenting” when I felt attraction to other men.

In my vision the impression was very strong that I was born gay and God has no problem with that and has no intention of changing me. Being born gay is not a sin. It's just nature. God does not want to change me, but He wants to use me as I am.

After receiving that answer to prayer, then I was freed to do my research and find out what the christian organizations had to say and check that I received from God, and it did back up what I heard. I looked on the internet and found a page with all the organizations that claimed to reprogram homosexuals and make them straight. It is very interesting, though to find at the bottom of the page a site for the American Association of Psychiatrists and one for the American Association of Psychologists. These associations did a study to determine if programs in “Exodus” and others really did change peoples' orientation. After interviewing the best examples Exodus could offer, they came to the conclusion that those who participated in the program did change their behaviour, but there is no documented evidence that anyone has changed their orientation. 

I know my God! He is not cruel, but loving! I have heard of God's power for years in the Spirit filled circles of believers. It is plain to me that if God wanted any of us who are gay to change, He certainly would do it! Not only that, but these organizations have had at least ten years to prove that their program works and out of the hundreds that have gone through, there should at least be a few who experienced the change of orientation. However, there is no documentation that anyone has changed their orientation!

All my life God has been showing me to go by nature, that is, the good qualities that He gave me at birth, to know who I am and what I'm to do here on Earth. Now I know to apply that to my sexuality. I also did my reading to find out what the scriptures say. If you want to know the truth you must go to the experts! There are many good books available that are written by scholars who have researched and studied thoroughly to rightly know what the scriptures say about sex between members of the same sex. The Bible talks about temple prostitution and rape, but little is said specifically about committed relationships of same sex partners that is sexual. My impression after all I've been through and all the reading and talking to God I've done is this; The Bible is God's Word and has power, however it was written by men with their methods of writing. For those who want to follow God it is a set of guidelines to help us know how to behave, but we must pray to God for the interpretation and how we should apply it to ourselves. It shows us the nature of God which never changes and if we pay attention to His Word we will recognize Him and know His nature and not be deceived on any point. His nature has never changed, but His dealings with man have always been different according to man's acceptance of His will or man's disobedience. The Bible is full of all kinds of relationships from which we can learn. The whole theme is love. God is a God of love. He always was and always will be. If a person lives a life of love, that person has God in them, and there is no law against them. That person will always want to learn from God and be with Him, doing what is right, whether gay or straight.


God gave me a scripture years ago saying, How can the creation say to it's creator,“Why have you made me this way?!” After I finally listened to God about sexuality I realized what He was trying to say to me. So many times we “born-again Christians” say to God, “I'll go where you want me to go and be whatever you want me to be!” But are we willing to give over this issue to God? I had to lay it down and be willing to let God work in my life. So, this man moves to the Gay neighbourhood of Toronto and lives as he is to live, with Christ's morals of course, but still with the orientation he was born. And I have found many ways to bring the light and life of Christ to this community.

Looking back I see how much the teachings of the church traumatized me. I heard over and over that the “homosexual lifestyle” is sin. We are not talking about a lifestyle I have chosen, but we are talking about my own natural emotions and feelings; what I am, not what I choose to do. So my body, which knows that it is same sex orientated, translated the messages to: “ I cannot be gay and Christian, I cannot be, I cannot exist!” So my life from twenty- one to forty- three was, “I can't, I can't, I can't!” It spread into ever area of my life. “I can't receive God's blessings because I'm gay. I can't get healing because I'm gay. I can't prosper because I'm gay. I can't be accepted by people, I can't fulfill my dreams because...!” During that time everything I tried to do in the area of work failed. I had no self esteem. God could not bless me, not because I was gay, but because I felt guilty and could not accept His blessings.

Now that I understand that it is not a sin to be same sex orientated and that God wants to use me as I am, I find that the words “I can't” have changed to “ I can” and that healing is taking place in every area of my life. Before, I did have peace in my own private prayer times, but I never had hope of being fulfilled. Now, I have hope. I do exist. I did have my experience with God and I was born gay.

Can a man be a Christian, full of the Holy Spirit, full of God's love, anointed for worship and gay?

God has given me the answer- I am!


My Story As A Gay Christian: Coming Out Spiritually.

I believe I was "saved" as a child, but, it was in 1975 that I experienced the presence of God and that changed my life!  The chur...